Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Welcome to the Western Colorado Brewing News!

I think this is a good starting point for, yes, yet another blog about beer.  Budweiser, the "King of Beers" is down 31% in sales from 2000 to 2010.  That is a lot of lost sales.  And a indicator of the strength and growth of craft brewing in the United States. The movement toward craft brewing is not new. In fact it started in the 70's but it's growth has really only been something more than a flat line since the early 90's.  In 1990 there were 200 craft breweries in the US and today there are more than 1750!

I have lived in the Grand Valley for ten years and in those ten years there has been a 33% increase in the number of craft breweries. That does not include breweries outside of the valley so the increase for Western Colorado as a whole would be much higher. Most Colorado beer blogs originate on teh East Slope as so concentrate their focus on Front Range Breweries.  With that in mind I intend this blog to be an exploration of Western Colorado breweries and beers with a goal of promoting craft brewing and craft beers to those in the area interested in the industry and it's products.

I hope you'll stick around on this adventure and along the way share information on where to go and what is new and who is doing what. This should be fun!